See the "General New Homeowner Information"  page for answers to many typical questions.

Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Q: When do I need to submit plans to the Architectural Review Board (ARB)?
A: Obtain Architectural Review Board Application form from our website or from an ARB member. Submit your plans to the ARB for approval before starting work on improvements on the exterior of your property. Article V (starting on page 11 of the covenants) describes in detail the requirements. Questions can be addressed by the committee of:

Roy Thompson

Eli Sherman

Lorrie Cordain (non-voting)
Q: Who should I contact with a question about lawn mowing, watering or trimming? 
A: Lorrie Cordain or Kathy Frasier are the contacts for homeowners. They will contact our landscaping vendor on your behalf.
Q: Who should I contact about pesticide and herbicide schedules?
A: The same persons as for landscape questions.
Property lines
Q: How do I determine what is my property and what is common area?
A: The best first step is to obtain an Improvement Location Certificate for your lot.   
Q: How can I obtain an ILC for my lot?
A: Contact Brian Nelson at Ayres Associates. The phone number is 970-223-5556. The cost is approximately $100. You may also have received an ILC at closing or your mortgage lender may have required an ILC. 
Snow removal
Q: Who do I contact with a question or concern about snow removal?
A: Kathy Frasier.  See Snow Removal Policy on our web site under Practices and Policies

Q: What is the policy on parking for myself and/or for a guest?
A: See Covenants and Practices and Policies. Or contact Kathy Frasier.
Q: How can I make the type on the pages larger?
A: Click "Control +(plus)".
Q: Who should I contact with suggestions for the website?
A: Contact Bob Gotshall, 970-217-9632.